Three women laughing while discussing their retirement and sitting out side drinking coffee.

Facts you need to know about women and retirement

Why retirement planning differs for men and women and how women can narrow the retirement savings gap.

女性经常 面对独特的挑战 当谈到退休计划时. As a result, many find they haven't saved enough to support the kind of retirement they envision. But these challenges can easily be overcome with the proper support, resources and planning.

以下是关于女性和退休的五个事实, along with some tips for how women can narrow the retirement savings gap:

1. 女性往往比男性挣得少

男人挣的每一美元,只有女人赚 赚取约$0.84, leaving them with less money to put aside for retirement. Over an entire career, that difference can really add up.

Tip: The key is to start saving for retirement as early as possible. Women should explore all retirement savings options such as a 传统的个人退休账户还是罗斯个人退休账户 in addition to any employer-sponsored retirement plans that might be available.

2. 女人通常比男人长寿

On average, women live about five years longer than men. This means they'll likely spend a few more years in retirement than men and that they will need to accumulate more in the way of retirement savings to support them.

Tip: Women should consider working longer if they can. This will enable them to accumulate more savings.

3. Women may have more gaps in their career than men

尽管这一趋势正在发生变化, women are more likely than men to step away from the workforce to take care of family members. These gaps in employment limit the opportunities women may have to save for retirement through an employer-sponsored plan.

Tip: During gap years, if married and filing jointly, women may still be able to contribute to an 爱尔兰共和军 on the basis of their spouse's earnings through a 配偶爱尔兰共和军.

4. 女性比男性更倾向于规避风险

说到女性和投资, 他们更倾向于规避风险, which can sometimes limit the long-term growth potential of their retirement savings.

Tip: Women shouldn't be afraid to seek advice from a financial professional because they can help develop a needs-based retirement planning approach and develop a well-diversified retirement savings plan.

5. 女人一般比男人先退休

在美国.S., the average retirement age for women is 63 and for men it's 65. While two years may not seem like a big difference, it can create some significant challenges for women in retirement. One of those challenges comes from the fact that if women are retiring sooner than men, then they won't have as much time to save for retirement. 另外, 因为女性提前退休了, they'll also have to start taking withdraws from their retirement savings sooner.

Tip: Prior to retiring, it's important for women to develop a well-thought-out 退休预算将持续下去和/或 考虑兼职工作 在退休.

A variety of factors can result in women saving less for retirement than men, but starting early and consulting with a financial professional can help women take control of their financial future.

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确定, 你可以放松, 但退休后工作能提高智力, 物理, 社会和经济健康.


你知道你需要存钱,但要存多少? 估计你未来的退休收入.


It's never too late to begin saving for retirement. Here are some ideas for strategic retirement planning.


Robust retirement plans with a variety of investments can help you reach your retirement savings goals. 找出适合你的选择.